Courses & Books
The Best Courses I’ve Found So Far:
Story Is A State Of Mind
The Story Is a State of Mind program was created for writers whose self-doubt, absent muse or lack of discipline has driven them from their craft. No matter what wall you’ve hit, this program is designed to work alongside and within that resistance, to make the task of writing not just enjoyable, but simply irresistible.
“Smart, encouraging, practical.”
–Margaret Atwood
This course is self-guided and will put tools in your writing toolbox that I’ve never seen in any other course. If you don’t like working on your own and are looking for the accountability of deadlines along with specific feedback on your assignments, check out The Story Intensive. It has all the great information from Story Is A State of Mind with the bonus of being a guided course.
Sarah Selecky has been teaching conscious creative writing since 2001. Her program combines refined technique with mindful exploration, helping participants not only create marvellous work, but discover their unique voice, depth and presence of mind as they write.
The Desire Map
The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte is one of the most life changing tools I have come across when looking for something to help you get crystal clear on what you want and how you want your life to make you feel.
What if, first, we got clear on how we actually wanted to feel in our life, and then we laid out our intentions?
–Danielle Laporte
Head over to her website and you’ll find audio and video exerpts from Danielle that help you to get a good feel for what to expect from the book.
Your Big Beautiful Book Plan
Book Proposals are to books as business plans are to business: essential. A book is always more than just a book. Much more. Writing a book could direct the course of your career for the rest of your life. It could lead to infinitely important connections, multiple revenue streams, spin off products, international relations. It could send more business your way. It could pay for a trip to Tahiti or just pay the rent. It could change one person’s life for the better. It could start a revolution. You need a plan.
“Putting together [my] book proposal was almost like examining my own thoughts and organizing them. I thought that even if the book didn’t get published, it was a useful exercise.”
–Tim Ferris, on writing his book The 4-Hour Work Week
YOUR BIG BEAUTIFUL BOOK PLAN is a digital program for people who want to get their words into the world.
The Best Books I’ve Found So Far:
My Curated List: Writing, Creativity, and Short Story Collections
Please click on “recommended reading” below to see the entire list. While I encourage you to support your local independent bookstore whenever you can, you also have the option to purchase any of the books on my list in my Amazon aStore. This is updated each time I read a new book that I think is worth recommending, so feel free to check back often.
Note: I am affiliated with the courses on this page. This means that I may receive some income if you find that a certain course is right for you and you purchase it using the link on my website. I only recommend courses that I honestly believe in and have taken myself. I have hand picked these courses because I have confidence in their value.
xo Pam
“Pam has a deft and gently encouraging touch with feedback and revision. (She’s the Goldilocks of writing coaches: Neither too little nor too much!) She also reads deeply and widely and thus has a substantial list of resources available to spark her students’ imagination and resolve at critical junctures in the writing process.”
Jean Shaw